We match ideas to markets
Business modelling
V3 Partners provides support in creating or refining a business model. We also help translate the business
in the language of numbers, resources, essential relationships, and risks.
invests in ventures, which have innovative products and can expand into large markets in order to achieve
high earnings, producing high returns to investors, thereby compensating for the initial risk, works with
entrepreneurs or companies to analyze their Business Plan for high potential, growth business
opportunities,makes investment decisions, tracks the ventures
Investment period
V3 Partners owns shares in the venture for a limited period, the Investment Period, until Exit
V3 Partners has some control over the venture's decisions, monitors the company’s results via the original
business plan, and provides business and leadership support in the partnership between it and the venture
V3 Partners realizes pro rata profit at Exit
Angel Investing, Seed Funding
Angel Investing or Seed Funding is investing moderate amount of funds, at high risk, at an early stage in
the venture for commensurate return at Exit